Keep intruders out

The new campaign "Keep Intruder out" informs about risks in digital everyday life and provides practical IT security tip

Enlarged view: Intruders enter a smartphone. (Graphics: Spikelands)
Intruders enter a smartphone. (Graphics: Spikelands)

Everyday life without IT devices is hard to imagine these days. They simplify our lives and accompany us almost everywhere.

With every click and every interaction on the smartphone, laptop, or tablet we reveal more about our digital identity.

Research data, hobbies, date of birth, interests, shopping behaviour or credit card numbers: Do you know what data is stored on your devices, and who has access to that data?

With these tips, you can protect yourself against intruders. It is therefore important that you, as user, are aware and informed.


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?keep intruders out?. (Video: ETH Zurich / Spikelands)
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